"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware" -Martin Buber

Monday, April 28, 2014

Labuan Bajo

The rest of our time in Flores was spent in Labuan Bajo, the capital city. We spents one day just figuring out where to stay, where to eat and what there was to do. John and Eileen signed up to dive, as they were told it was one of the best spots in the world to do so. Ange and I planned out our 3 days: one snorkeling, one trekking to a waterfall, and the other trekking a crater lake. Needless to say our plans didn't fully work out.

The treetop was an excellent restaurant to eat both lunch and dinner at as they offered the lowest price on beer and western and Indonesian vegetarian options.
Sunset from treetop 
We were able to find a boat to rent for 40 dollars total and found snorkel gear for a reasonable 3 dollars. Our night was spent in a fanned room on top of the hill, and though I have no real complaints, the hotel was not worth the 9 dollar apiece price. We went down the road and were able to rent a bed in a hostel for 6 dollars each. The hostel man (Gregorious), was super kind and he hooked us up with the boat for snorkeling and later in the week a ride to the airport. The hostel was full, but people come and go so often that you can meet many from different countries. Gregorious also kicks out those who are just there to party, however did allow us to play cards and have a beer in the room one evening. WiFi is from across the street, and unreliable.

Our day of snorkeling was a huge success, except we both ended up sunburnt. I saw so many new fish and began naming them on my own. The green and yellow fish became known as "packer fish." They all had such radiant colors, and we were even able to see a small shark. I also got to swim along side a fish that was only about half a meter smaller than I am. Kanawa island was absolutely the best of all the places we had snorkeled (in all of Indonesia), and was much more clean than the other locations. We took cooling showers and ate at the Mediteraneo restaurant across the way. The sea bass was excellent, the dessert was awful.

The next day was what I will refer to as a "blue balls day of traveling." We got super excited and almost reached a point of satisfaction, but ended the day in more pain, without reaching a climax.
We thought to rent a motorbike and drive to the nearby village and waterfalls. Ange was very confident she would be able to drive us both, but we crashed 5 meters from the rental shop, and opted to pay quadruple the cost to take a car. After the driver and guide failed to understand our desire to go to the village ( after trying to show us one single building and pretend it was the village) they took us to Cunca Rami waterfall. The hike was brutal, all downhill and rocky, followed by walking through muddy puddles and rocks.. I wish to god I had taken my hiking boots though they would have been soaked. We counted our losses because it was worth it for the view, and the refreshing swim.
Cunca Rami Waterfall

On the way back we decided to go barefoot. Our feet were very dirty, our flip flops were muddy and we had to walk through mud fields anyway. However eventually we reached the rocky area and my toe nail got caught on something and began to bleed. This wouldn't have been such an issue except that they I hit the same toe on a rock. My feet had had it, and I still wasn't at the top of the steep hill. Ange yelled words of encouragement, but I was done. I did push through to the top, where the Indonesians did some first aid and got directions to the real village.
Part way to the village we were told we could not go sue to rain. However we knew this was just a rip off. We yelled and screamed and swore at the guy in charge, and then eventually returned to the city blue thighs, toes, and balls in all. We had had enough. The next day was for relaxing only.  It was perfect because john and Eileen felt the same way after their dive. They needed a break.
And so our last day in Labuan Bajo was spent wandering around, finding the cheapest beer, sitting and drinking while playing golf and cribbage, and eventually walking (me limping in tow) to the local night market for fresh fish,rice, vegetables, and juice for 4 USD.

We left early the following morning for the airport. I ended the trip more than a little homesick considering all my family was together back home for my brothers CD release party and I was leaving some super awesome friends behind to continue their journey on to Bali.

(sorry for the lack of pictures...whoops!)

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