"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware" -Martin Buber

Monday, July 22, 2013

For the Love of Harmonica

After a long day at work today I headed to the gym. After remembering that the summer party at the Larvae Lounge was this weekend I decided to put on on the roses. For those of you who have no idea let me clue you in. The roses is a mix my brother and his friends created back home, based on meticulous requirements. It consisted mainly of old song by very well known song writers, mostly songs about heartbreak. Back in Albania I couldn't get through more than 3 songs on the playlist without crying. It made me more homesick than anything. Tonight, I listened to at least 7 and didn't feel sad. sure, it makes me miss my 3B's: My beer, my boys, and my live bands, but overall I still managed to smile through my workout. Then I realized why a girl needs whiskey:

So she can quit analyzing the lyrics, and trying to find some sort of meaning in them. She needs to stop feeling like the song was written for her. She needs to stop analyzing the past, stop contemplating the questions of the present, and stop wondering about the future. Whiskey allows her to drown out the lyrics and let the simple melody fill her soul with the feeling that everything will be alright, and all she has to do is live. And maybe dance.

I need some harmonica in my life. This song took me back to my brothers wonderful piano version in Switzerland. There is just something about it. 

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