"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware" -Martin Buber

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Jakarta rocks my socks off!

Reasons why Jakarta rocks my socks off in comparison to Albania

If you are expecting a post about the incredible beer and amazing live music you are kidding yourself. Minneapolis has everywhere beat as far as my eyes can see. I asked the music teacher at our school about good live music. He asked me to clarify the kind. Bluegrass doesn't exist here. Jazz? Come to my house he says. He nearly fainted when he found out I played saxophone and didn't bring it with me. He wanted a jam buddy. Beer? One word. Pilsner. There is more, but nothing good enough to spend the amount they are asking for it. So onto the reason I'm writing this post. Just a few of the reasons why Jakarta kicks Albania's ass.

1. I have someone to live with and she rocks! I did not enjoy living on my own in Albania. At all. It has taken a bit of adjusting, but overall me and Angie get along great and I'm very happy to not have so much time alone.

2. The support my school offers me. My partner teacher rocks, and all the other teachers are so willing to throw in an extra set of hands whenever they can. I have been amazed by the resources and help I have had, and will continue to receive. That being said there are also some things about it that annoy me, but not enough to outweigh the pluses.
3. The food. I'm so sick of rice! But I've been doing really well at making salads and pasta with lots of veggies. Also, I paid about $20 for a blender and the fruit smoothies I've been making are better than any I've ever had. There are choices around every corner. From burgers and fries to Indian food and curries. Papaya, mangoes, kiwi, and other random fruits. Every time I go to the market there is something new I want to try. Also there are some basic comforts from home, such as A&W. Now if I just had an oven, and some cheddar....
4. Kindness. I was told Albania was the most hospitable country in the world. Pure lies. Anyone who visits the two countries and compares will tell you that Indonesia far out does Albania. At least in day to day circumstances. This is not to say that Albanians are rude, but you can't help but smile at the hospitality. Everyone says hello, and for the most part it is in a kind, uncreepy way.
5. The gym in my building. Thank god for a way to work out my frustration in a healthy way each night. I've lost 5 kilos, which I desperately needed to do. I used to go home and drink whiskey and while I miss the whiskey, this way is probably much more healthy.
6. There are things to do in the city. I mean things to do other than walking around and drinking beer and coffee all day long. How strange it is to be able to take a cab 30 minutes away to see a cool sight or visit a nice park. I don't know where to begin on my holiday travel plans, but every time I talk to anyone they are mentioning somewhere else I want to go.

So that is just a few of the many reasons why my life here rocks.

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