"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware" -Martin Buber

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Things I am taking for granted

About 2 months into my time here I began to really miss things from Albania. Now that I'm getting annoyed and maybe bored with my life here it is time to realize that Indonesia has some pretty awesome benefits. I don't want to make the same mistake twice, so I making this list as a reminder of the great things I need to be gracious for.

Tropical Fruits- OH MY GOD! Every time I cut up a pineapple I say "This is the best pineapple I have ever had!" I think I eat half of one everyday. Salak right off of the tree was incredible. Jackfruit is good, fresh and cooked. Many I haven't even learned the name of yet. There is something similar to a passion fruit, only more citrusy. I love putting this is yogurt. The mangos and papaya. All items I did not get often in America, and could not find in Albania. Avocados were hard to come by at a decent price in Albania, and when I returned to America I made so many batches of guacamole. Lucky for me I am managing to find them at a decent price here. Most restaurants also have Avocado juice available, which I find insanely spectacular! I might be taking full advantage of this one, but it will be top on the list of things I miss when I leave.

My students- Though work can be utterly daunting some mornings (and evenings,) I love all of my students to death. From the smarty pants, to the misbehaver, to the one has made minimal gains. I'm proud of how they are growing and learning and can't wait to stick around and see how they are when they finish grade 2.

Inexpensive self-care- by this I mean things like manis and pedis, hair cuts, and most importantly massages. I need to do these things more often, at least if I find them relaxing.

The extensive restaurants and food culture- When I first got here I was in a health nut craze, and now I'm in a "comforts from home" phase where I eat processed and greasy crap all the time. This city is booming with restaurants, and exploding with food from around the world. I need to get out of my funk of eating at the same places, drinking starbucks coffee, and pumping my body full of the same food everyday. I'm empty, and part of that has to do with my ridiculously boring routine.

My Indonesian friends- These people are so kind, and reliable. My partner teacher often puts in more than double the work I do, and supports me around every tough situation. I would be so lost without her. The Tots crew always plans things for us, including a whole week-long holiday. They call and translate when we need help, show us the best restaurants and places to go, and give us advice about dealing with our rough patches and where to find the things we need to survive. You guys are seriously fantastic! (Ex-pat friends, you rock too) :)

My Salary- I live a life of luxury here. I eat out at nice restaurants. I buy nice quality groceries and fresh foods. I've bought almost a completely new wardrobe. I've done some awesome traveling. And still, I have managed to save almost as much as I did a whole year in Albania. If I can start putting a little more aside I can cut a serious wedge into my student loans, and still continue to be awesome of course. 5 years from now I could be debt free and saving. Life is good.

The Places I Can Travel- There is a lot of opportunity here. I think I just need a good vacation to remind me of that. 4 weeks from now I'll be prepping for a big trip!


  1. I've been trying to take advantage of the inexpensive self-care here, too. I've gotten a massage the last three weekends, a mani/pedi, and three wash and blow outs at salons. This coming weekend I'm going to reward myself for (hopefully) getting all my mid-term grading/grad school done by getting a full body scrub and facial, followed by an hour long massage. It's going to be less than a meal out in the states. It's crazy!

    We should have taken advantage of PSP services in Albania, had we known how cheap/easy/clean waxing was... you live, you learn! ;)

  2. I had one massage and it was awful, as was my haircut. But each only cost me like $10. Maybe I just need to try new places. I think I need to do more manis/pedis. I've moved on from waxing to laser. It's pretty crazy cheap.
