"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware" -Martin Buber

Friday, January 24, 2014

Untitled Blog Post #4

I haven’t written for awhile, which probably means I’m happy, since I generally write when I’m sad. Bad mistake on my part all. I apologize for that. I’m on the brink of being done with this semester, I have my winter break trip planned (as least as much as I want to) and I made some superb new friends. I’m back to being absolutely content and blissful with my life. No telling what the future holds!

“Are you happy Dp?” –Angie
“ Yep.”- Me with biggest grin ever.
This is sure to end badly.


I feel vulnerable in the best way possible. My eyes are open, my heart is whole, and I’m ready to put it on my sleeve. Look out world.


Fall hard, fall fast. All the concerns I seemed to have a month ago are now what I love the most. The differences, the confusion, the discovery, the teetering into the sure fire path of unknown life. I know who I am and I’m ready to risk her.

It’s strange to watch someone live out the life you had planned with them with someone else. It feels good to know that we both got what we actually wanted. Life is good.

Listening to old music with new feelings attached. It’s odd. And WONDERFUL!

In the last few days I have reached the realization that Minneapolis may never be my permanent home again. I’m doing a surprisingly calm job of taking that in. Seriously. I’m proud of my ability to not have a serious freak out about this one. We’ll see how that continues. You may say my opinion is being swayed, but I think in reality I’m just realizing that it will never be the same, and I will never be the same. I cannot have the same relationship I had with it before. Who knows where I’m going to end up. Oh life, you are crazy.


I’m exhausted. This was my first week back with the students, I worked minimum hours 7-4 and yet I am so exhausted. However, I will suffice this by saying that I am bursting with happiness and cannot stop smiling. My life is so incredible, and I cannot believe how lucky I am to have landed where I have. I spent last Sunday at the Ritz Carlton sipping on martinis and eating delicious cheese and steak. Currently there are a lot of floods in Jakarta, but I’m fortunate enough to not have been affect by them in the slightest. Right now I just feel like the luckiest girl in the entire world.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear how much smiling and bursting with life you're doing :]
